In this section, youth workers, as well as others, can find a collection of OERs (Open Educational Resources), such as podcasts, videos, online articles and other resources, related to the topics of environment and climate change, green skills, and youth employability. We hope you will find these OERs useful when working with young people for the development and enhancement of knowledge and skills related to these topics.

Why Are Green Skills Important for Youth?

Article on United Nations Climate Change webpage presenting the role of young people generation in world’s population in the context of green skills – importance of developing green skills for youth to ensure the success of a just transition to a greener and more sustainable world.

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Green jobs: A solution to youth employment and the climate crisis?

Podcast about green job, climate crisis, environment, youth employment.

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UNESCO-UNFCCC Webinar Series on green schools

Webinars on: Climate Change Education for Social Transformation: Whole-institution approach to greening every school; “The time to learn and act for our planet is now!”

Climate Change Education for Social Transformation; Climate change education for social transformation: Greening teacher training and education systems’ capacities.

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Action for Climate Empowerment

Webpage of Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

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Skills for a Green Transition: Solutions for Youth on the Move

Publication developed by UNICEF’s Education Section about green transition skills for a Green Transition for youth.

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Global Green Skills Report 2023

Publication developed by UNICEF’s Education Section about green transition skills for a Green Transition for youth.

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Young People and Green Skills – Plan International

This initiative conducted by Plan International focuses on understanding the preparedness of youth for the green economy. It highlights the importance of equipping young people with green skills to participate in and drive the necessary transformational changes in economies and societies to tackle the climate crisis.

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OECD Skills Outlook 2023: Skills for a Resilient Green and Digital Transition

This report emphasizes the importance of developing a diverse range of skills in young people to ensure a sustainable green and digital transition. It highlights the role of education systems in equipping youth with the necessary skills and attitudes to manage environmental and technological changes.

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Green Jobs for Youth Pact The United Nations Environment P

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has partnered with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF’s Generation Unlimited to launch the Green Jobs for Youth Pact. This initiative aims to create sustainable employment opportunities for young people by 2030, focusing on green employment, education, and empowerment. It seeks to develop and transform 1 million jobs into green roles and support 10,000 young green entrepreneurs.

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GreenComp: the European sustainability competence framework

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has partnered with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF’s Generation Unlimited to launch the Green Jobs for Youth Pact. This initiative aims to create sustainable employment opportunities for young people by 2030, focusing on green employment, education, and empowerment. It seeks to develop and transform 1 million jobs into green roles and support 10,000 young green entrepreneurs.

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Green Industrial Skills for a Sustainable Future

This Background Paper for the LKDF Forum 2020 provides insights that seek to guide policy interventions to meet the demand for green skills needed to effectively install, operate, and develop green technologies. Understanding the extent to which the transition to a green economy induces changes in the demand for green skills and, most importantly, which skills these might be, is crucial to inform policy interventions.

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The Climate Question

A podcast about “Why we find it so hard to save our own planet, and how we might change that.

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Green Industrial Skills for a
Sustainable Future

An article by the European Training Foundation (ETF) highlighting the various initiatives the ETF is supporting in building skills for the green economy.

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Skills for the green transition

Assessing their policies and advances in the provision of green skills, this report presents the European Training Foundation’s main findings, recommendations, skills strategies and policies, as well as key trends in energy and construction, in order to support the green transition in EU neighbouring countries.

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How to get everyone to care about a green economy

A TED Talk by climate advocate Angela Francis who shares her playbook for helping people recognise the benefits of a greener economy on our health, wealth and well-being.

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AR App about Geography

Google Arts & Culture platform that includes different kind of AR online apps about geography is a useful tool for learners practicng soft skills while using it in an educational environment.

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Flood risk awareness map

This viewer is provided by the European Commission with the support of the European Environment Agency to raise flood risk awareness. It reflects work carried out by the Member States under the Floods Directive. Zooming in, learners can see which areas of potentially significant flood risk (shown with orange colour) have been identified by each Member State.

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Europe Climate Risk Map

The Climate Risk Typology is a tool to visualise, describe, compare and analyse climate risk in European cities and regions. It clusters cities and regions according to their climate risk characteristics, creating a detailed risk profile for individual cities and regions and enabling comparisons between them.

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Degrees of Change, a climate comic

A short comic by Darryl Cunningham on climate change.

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How to get everyone to care about a green economy

This solutions book by UNICEF presents best practices and solutions to support youth on the move, particularly youth living in poverty and youth with low educational attainment, to access green skilling opportunities that create pathways for them to participate in the green economy.

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Young People and Green Skills

This solutions book by UNICEF presents best practices and solutions to support youth on the move, particularly youth living in poverty and youth with low educational attainment, to access green skilling opportunities that create pathways for them to participate in the green economy.

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World Cities Report 2020: The Value of Sustainable Urbanization

The UN-HABITAT The World Cities Report 2020 shows that the intrinsic value of sustainable urbanization can and should be harnessed for the wellbeing of all. The Report provides evidence and policy analysis of the value of urbanization from an economic, social and environmental perspective.

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Results of U-Report Greece, a UNICEF, Greece publication on what children and young people think about the climate crisis

This solutions book by UNICEF presents best practices and solutions to support youth on the move, particularly youth living in poverty and youth with low educational attainment, to access green skilling opportunities that create pathways for them to participate in the green economy.

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Green and Thriving Neighbourhoods A pathway to net zero, featuring the ‘15-minute city

This Guidebook provides cities, as well as national governments, private sector developers, residents and communities, with the framework and approaches to develop ambitious net zero and people-centred neighbourhoods that showcase today the future we want to see.

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perspectives through the COP28 Global Youth Statement: Declaration for Climate Justice. This declaration synthesises

This solutions book by UNICEF presents best practices and solutions to support youth on the move, particularly youth living in poverty and youth with low educational attainment, to access green skilling opportunities that create pathways for them to participate in the green economy.

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Green Skills at SOLAS

The demands and aspirations of a generation that acknowledges its unique role and potential for transformative change.

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Youth Employability – National Youth Council of Ireland – Resource Hub

Both within and beyond the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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What are Green Skills?

Offered by UNIDO, this resource explains green skills as the knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes needed to support a sustainable and resource-efficient society. It discusses the importance of transitioning to environmentally sustainable modes of production and consumption.

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